Kangaroo provides 2 different ways to assist you in creating a series of layers:

CleanShot 2023-07-24 at 14.07.38@2x.png

Make Next

Creating the next layer in a series

  1. Select a layer
  2. duplicate it using ctrl + D or ⌘ + D
  3. Make changes to the duplicated layer
  4. Click the 🦘button to start creating the next copies


CleanShot 2023-07-24 at 14.05.34@2x.png

Make In-Between

Create copies in-between

  1. Select a layer
  2. duplicate it using ctrl + D or ⌘ + D
  3. Make changes to the duplicated layer
  4. Click the 🦘🦘🦘 button to start creating copies in-between
  5. When you’re happy with the result, click OK


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<aside> 💡 Creating copies in-between starts a session!


While the session is active, you are free to make changes to the original layers in order to fine tune your result. Here’s how:



****You can then use the “🔄 Rebuild” button to update all the newly created copies in-between.



Influence Graph

Use the influence graph to creatively space your layers in a non linear way.


<aside> 🆗 To finish editing your session, click OK
