Liquify in Skew bring the familiar liquify experience to the timeline itself, allowing you to softly adjust multiple elements at once with a falloff radius.

To start, switch to the Liquify tool from the menu bar at the top left corner of the panel.


You will notice that your cursor has now been replaced with a soft brush:


<aside> 💡 The gap between the inner circle and the outer circle indicates the softness of the brush


With the Liquify tool on, drag from anywhere in the timeline to nudge items around into place.

1. Start dragging from anywhere

  1. Start dragging from anywhere

2. The brush pushes items around as you move the cursor

  1. The brush pushes items around as you move the cursor

Liquify is great to freely shape multiple items at once. In the following example we use In / Out mode to liquify the edges of the layers.

1. Start dragging from anywhere

  1. Start dragging from anywhere

2. Drag inwards to mold the edges into place.

  1. Drag inwards to mold the edges into place.

3. Release the mouse and move the cursor to the other side

  1. Release the mouse and move the cursor to the other side

4. Drag inwards to create a similar pattern on the left side

  1. Drag inwards to create a similar pattern on the left side