Noodle is really fast and does lots of super technical things in the background so it runs quickly, however, in some cases the expression can start weighing down on daddy After-Effects.

When you're happy with your simulation result, bake it! Your new graphics card from your favorite big company will be grateful.


Bake Inside Work Area

The best and fastest option. For quicker bakes, set the work area around your simulation. This will make sure you are not wasting your time baking your entire timeline when you have a 3 second long animation.

Bake Inside Layers Bounds

If you want to bake the entire layer duration

Bake to Keyframes

Bakes the results into keyframes. Similar to using "Keyframe Assistant -> Bake Expressions into Keyframes".

It is better to bake to keyframes as long as you can because reading the expression can take some After Effects juice (normally not, but for longer bakes and big paths sometimes maybe).

Bake to Expression

Bakes the result into an expression, which is secretly loaded from another comp without you knowing because After Effects can't handle big, juicy long expressions like yours.