Loading Layers into Skew

Layers load when you enter the panel. Click the panel once to start making changes.

Selecting Layers

Unlike After-Effects, Skew lets you Box Select layers. Simply click and drag from anywhere in the background to start a new box selection.


Box Select Example

Box Select Example

Alternatively, you can click layers directly to select, and use your modifier keys (Ctrl / Cmd, shift) to adjust your selection.


In Skew, selected layers reside inside a bounding box.

You can drag sideways from the top / bottom side of the box to start skewing layers, as if you are about to turn the box into a parallelogram.


Skewing Example

Skewing Example

Triangular Skewing

While skewing (follow the instructions above), you can drag up / down to tell skew where to focus the action. Drag all the way to the center to form a triangular skew.


Triangular Skewing Example

Triangular Skewing Example