
On each layer, all modules share a collection of 5 Drivers they can connect to.

All 5 drivers are identical to each other. Having more than 1 driver is useful when we use multiple modules and want a different animation signal for each.

The truth is that in most cases you will be using a single driver, Driver 1.

<aside> 😟 It doesn’t matter which driver you are using as they are basically identical to each other. However, the default presets may vary between drivers, which lets you quickly explore different animation presets by connecting your module to different drivers without having to tweak them yourself


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A closer look reveals the guts of our driver.

With Signal Duration we can set the time it takes for the animation to complete 1 cycle.

with Signal Type we can set the shape of the signal to a wave, a linear function, or use one of the other unique animation presets provided, such as Heartbeat and Flame.

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Additional options such as Ease In / Out, Time Shift, and Resolution let you precisely control the signal that the driver creates.

Animate the driver manually

You can override the driver’s animation preset by checking “Use Custom Signal”. Once you do that, you can use the “Custom Signal” right below it to manually keyframe the driver’s output.

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